Sin categoríaVirtualia junto a otros compañeros en las jornadas Colegio San Gabriel de Madrid,

For another year, Virtualia participated in the Career Guidance Days organized by the Colegio San Gabriel de Madrid, an important event for students who are preparing to choose their academic and professional future.

During the roundtable, Virtualia shared the space with professionals from different sectors, such as engineering, medicine, IT and journalism, in order to dispel doubts about higher education and job opportunities. The company’s participation was particularly relevant for those students interested in the IT field applied to media and entrepreneurship.

In addition, Virtualia maintains a close relationship with vocational training and the Colegio San Gabriel, regularly hosting interns from training cycles. This connection allows young people to gain real experience in the sector and improve their chances in the labor market.

With its presence at this event, Virtualia reaffirms its commitment to the guidance and professional development of future talents.

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