THE POOL produces for TVE, VAMOS A LLEVARNOS BIEN. The new prime time program on Tuesdays on La 1.  A LATE NIGHT that simulates a contest between collaborators with humor and current affairs interviews. The program seeks to register in the new bet of TVE for the nights of La 1 to renew its weekly…


À Punt, has premiered NYAS COCA, the Valencian version of THAT AWKARD GAME SHOW. A contest where it scores what mothers and fathers know about their daughters and sons and what daughters and sons know about their mothers and fathers. A fun contest where nothing stays in the family. Fénix Media Audiovisual and Homo Videns…

A TU VERA 2022

CMM’s longest-running talent show begins its fourteenth season. A tu Vera is a contest dedicated to Spanish song and copla, which is broadcast on Saturday nights. This season counts on Virtualia’s Smart CG to label the more than 200 signs that are used in each gala. Smart CG is a playout with a multi-layer lettering…