Antena 3 is once again the night’s leader, with a 16% audience share in the premiere of EL CÍRCULO DE LOS FAMOSOS. The Spanish version of the successful game show THE WHEEL, which is a hit in countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden and the United States. Produced by WARNER BROS ITVP, which…


THE POOL produces for TVE, VAMOS A LLEVARNOS BIEN. The new prime time program on Tuesdays on La 1.  A LATE NIGHT that simulates a contest between collaborators with humor and current affairs interviews. The program seeks to register in the new bet of TVE for the nights of La 1 to renew its weekly…


À Punt, has premiered NYAS COCA, the Valencian version of THAT AWKARD GAME SHOW. A contest where it scores what mothers and fathers know about their daughters and sons and what daughters and sons know about their mothers and fathers. A fun contest where nothing stays in the family. Fénix Media Audiovisual and Homo Videns…